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Tag: Gutters

Gutter and Downspout Maintenance
Posted on May 25, 2017

Gutter maintenance is the last chore that any homeowner wants to do. However, overlooking this task can potentially cost thousands of dollars in damage to your foundation, crawl space, basement, landscaping, siding and wood trim. A gutter drainage system directs rain runoff from the roof large surface area away from the house. To function, the

Home Maintenance Tip: Solve Poor Yard Drainage Issues
Posted on February 12, 2016

If your back yard looks like you have a lake front lot after a rain storm, then you’ve got drainage problems. Poor yard drainage can cause a variety of problems including foundation cracks, rotted siding, rot to wood structural components, mold in crawl spaces or in basements, erosion and migrating soil and mulch. How does

Home Maintenance Tip: Prepare for Winter Storms
Posted on January 08, 2016

During the winter, ice or snow storms.can knock out power and communications to your home sometimes for days creating a dangerous situation. Extreme temperatures and weather conditions can strain your home heating equipment and damage your home. Instead of grabbing an extra cup of coffee and watching television, spend time evaluating ways to keep your

Home Maintenance Tip: Clean Your Gutters to Protect Your Foundation
Posted on February 22, 2014

You may be wondering what your gutters have to do with your foundation. Gutter function to direct rain water from the roof to downspouts that discharge the water away from the house foundation. When gutters are full of leaves and other debris, rain water from the roof can’t enter the gutters. Instead, rain water running

Foundations Don’t Need Water
Posted on July 31, 2013

It is truly shocking how many homeowners don’t know that water is the cause of most foundation problems. Water can eat away the soil that your home rests on or rot your wooden supports. It can even cause some types of soil to expand and apply great amounts of force, which can cause severe cracks