When you are renovating a house, the foundation might be at the bottom of your list. A foundation that needs repair can lead to cracked walls, uneven doors, and problems throughout the interior of the entire house. By just patching over foundation problems now and not addressing the underlying problems, you may end up spending
A new construction house can be an exciting time when move-in day arrives. It’s clean and new and you are proud to call it your home. After a while a few cracks become noticeable; a stair-step crack that breaks a brick, block or solid concrete, horizontal cracks, wide cracks (the thickness of your fingernail or
Many people choose not to do anything for slab foundation repair even if the damage becomes increasingly noticeable. The most common reason for that is because they are worried about the cost. Ignoring a slab foundation problem will only make things worse over time. Preventive measures can be very helpful. Using gutters that channel water
Fall is the time of year to inspect and repair damage to your home before the winter is upon you. Labor Day is the unofficial sign that summer is over. In North Carolina, we will get many more hot days along with some chilly nights but it’s a great time to take a look at
Cracks in the foundation of their home may be a cause for concern to homeowners, especially when it comes to costly repairs or having to vacate the place because of them. But how to know whether your foundation problem is something you should worry about now, or you just have to keep an eye on
Home improvement has come a long way over the last several decades, and this is true for every aspect of our homes. From roofing to insulation to basement repair and wall stabilization, the tools and upgrades available are drastically different than they were for our parents. Older block foundations are particularly inferior to their newer
Most homeowners don’t realize the crucial role that gutters play in protecting their house from foundation damage. They are designed to gather water and direct it to ground with sloping that will transport it far away from your foundation. Without them, rainwater would cascade down the walls and form pools around your home. Over time,
It is truly shocking how many homeowners don’t know that water is the cause of most foundation problems. Water can eat away the soil that your home rests on or rot your wooden supports. It can even cause some types of soil to expand and apply great amounts of force, which can cause severe cracks