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Failing foundation - foundation wall severely cracked in need of repair - Atlantic Foundation

The Difference Between Normal Wear Of Or A Failing Foundation

Posted on February 20, 2024

Know The Difference

Lots of houses have cracks in their foundations. In some instances, it indicates only normal wear as well as tear on the surface of the foundation. But in other cases, these cracks raise an alarm for seriousness. Cracks in the wall are one of the significant concerns. It can be dangerous if, day by day, it becomes more expansive and causes further damage. Know the difference between wear and tear and a failing foundation.

Normal Wear and Tear vs. A Failing Foundation Problem

Cracks in your home are normal and usually minor, near corners, windows, or doors. They’re caused by temperature changes and the ground moving a bit. But sometimes, cracks can be more extensive and longer, and you might need help opening doors or notice the floor needs to be straightened. This could mean a problem with your foundation. It’s essential to watch out for cracks because big ones can be expensive. 

Primary Causes of Cracks Around Your Home

Several reasons cause cracks in the wall. A crack in the home is always a big thing. Let’s understand a few causes of cracks around the house.


 Any movement on the earth can cause violent vibrations in the house, so the walls and parts of the house-like structure will crack. Suppose you observe any cracks after the earthquake. In that case, an investigation should be done, especially if there are more signs of structural damage or a failing foundation.

Aged Homes

Aged homes will move over time as the concrete degrades. The old-style house was constructed using lime and other materials that permitted minor shifting in the structure. Cracks in the old house commonly occur when plaster is applied to fix the old wall.


Moisture is also the root of cracks, creating dark spots on walls and ceilings. Cracks and loose plaster arise from dampness in any structural issue; an appropriate material like ‘Roger Hunt’ is needed to resolve this concern. Untreated cracks, particularly on outside walls, will become broader because of damp problems.

Poor Construction

Low-quality constructed drainage around the foundation can build high hydro-static pressure on the structure in the ground and oppose the foundation wall. These cause further damage and create cracks in several places of the house. The wall will eventually bow inward and have heavy cracks if this pressure is not repaired.

Connecting Old and New

When an old house is connected to a newer part, the ground underneath might not be the same for both. This can cause cracks where they meet because they move differently. One fix is to put something flexible between them so they can move without causing cracks. This can happen in older houses when bay windows don’t have enough support and start to crack.

Getting the Help When Necessary

It is essential to determine whether the cracks in your house are simply a wear-and-tear issue or a failing foundation. Paying attention to the cracks and seeking help when necessary will keep your home looking great. Taking quick action is the best way to keep your home thoroughly safe. Know the difference between wear and tear and faulty foundations. For homeowners local to the Triangle area of North Carolina, contact Atlantic Foundation for a free homeowner’s consultation.


